About All Saints'
About All Saints'
About All Saints'
About All Saints'
About All Saints'
About All Saints'
About All Saints'
About All Saints'
About All Saints'
About All Saints'
About All Saints'
Worship Times How we Worship What we Believe Parish Organisations All Saints' Bistro Clergy Staff Churchwardens Musicians Ringing Team Donate via PayPal News Worship & Prayer Concerts & Recitals Music this Term The Organs Lunchtime Live! The Friends of All Saints' Music The Choirs Become a Chorister All Hallows' Church Simon de Senlis The Great Fire of Northampton The New All Saints' Church General Enquiries Baptisms Weddings Funerals Schools Visits Holding events and concert at All Saints Map & Directions Parking & Public Transport
What's On
Contact us

Worship Times

Our usual times of worship, during term-time are:


8:00am Holy Communion according to the Book of Common Prayer 1662.
9:15am Morning Prayer.
10:30am Choral Eucharist or Solemn Mass (during choir vacations).


12:30pm Mass.


12:30pm Holy Communion according to the Book of Common Prayer 1549.
6:00pm Choral Evensong.


12:30pm Mass.
6:00pm Choral Evensong.


12:30pm Mass.

Check our weekly pewsheet (available on this page, the home page, or in church) for information on feast-days, fast-days, and special events.

Coming up

Live Streamed Services
Our live streamed services are available to watch online via our Youtube channel.

This Week
Commencing Sunday 21st July 2024
Available to download, this week's Pewsheet. (PDF format. Document will open in a new tab).

Next Sunday:
Trinity IX
Sunday 28th July 2024
Holy Communion (BCP 1662)
Morning Prayer (Chancel)
Choral Eucharist (Nave)

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